Bible Verse Of The Day

July 6, 2024

Bible Jumper: The Beginning| Birth of An Angel|Part 1 (Flash Fiction)


Obadiah: Created By Bing AI

 Baylor City, SC

Keep pushing, Kristiel,” Alexander Felton urged his wife. The baby was coming two weeks earlier than expected while they were on the run from members of Satan's Army. These Reapers, as they were known, hunted and killed Nephilim - the offspring of Humans and Angels chosen by God to protect and guide the struggling Chosen Ones in their faith. Due to their sudden departure from New York, they were forced to find a safe location for the birth.

According to legend, the union between humans and angels was considered a horrific abomination, and God is said to have lifted the curse by creating special angels known as Nephilims. These beings serve as messengers for God and possess the ability to travel through time, allowing them to transport people back in time before and after his son's crucifixion.

They managed to find an abandoned house on the church ground in Baylor City, South Carolina. Alexander didn't know the first thing about delivering babies. Going to a hospital was out of the question, and there was no one to deliver the baby.

Kristiel fell back on the bed and gave a hard push. The birth was taking a lot out of her. Her face was glistening with sweat. She was moaning in pain.

As Kristiel let out a strangled cry, Alexander felt panic rising within him. He had never felt so helpless before. The walls of the abandoned house seemed to close in on him, and the distant howls of the Reapers only added to his sense of urgency.

But then, as if a sudden calm descended upon the room, Kristiel's expression shifted. Her eyes met Alexander's, and in that moment, he saw a strength and determination that took his breath away. "We can do this," she said, her voice steady despite the pain wracking her body.

Drawing on reserves of courage he never knew he had, Alexander knelt beside his wife and took her hand in his. Together, they faced the impending birth with a unity that transcended their fear and uncertainty. As Kristiel pushed with all her might, a sense of peace settled over them, as if they were being watched over by unseen forces.

And then, in a miraculous rush of joy and relief, their baby boy entered the world with a cry that pierced the tense atmosphere of the room. Alexander's heart swelled with love and awe as he beheld the tiny, squirming new life in Kristiel's arms. Tears welled up in his eyes as he gently touched the soft skin of his newborn son.

Kristiel held their baby close, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten as she gazed at the miracle they had created together. The baby had a tuft of dark hair and delicate features that already bore a striking resemblance to both parents. A sense of wonder washed over the couple as they marveled at the new addition to their family.

He carefully flipped the baby over and gently tapped his bottom. Joshuel's cries pierced the air, just as he had seen in those childbirth videos. After cutting and clamping the umbilical cord, he placed the newborn on the warm blanket next to Kristiel. He couldn't help but notice a radiant aura surrounding the little one's body.

Kristiel turned Joshuel over onto his stomach. She looked at the small pouch in the middle of his back, where his wings will develop. God will determine when they will be assigned. He was perfect. She flipped him back onto his back. A moment later, the light around his face became more intense. The room began to shake.

Fear coursed through Alexander's veins as he quickly moved to the opposite side of the room. He looked over at Kristiel, who seemed unfazed by the sudden movement.

“The Angels in heaven are celebrating Joshuel's arrival.” Kristiel said.

The room became quiet again. She picked up the baby and held him close to her chest. She looked over at Alexander. He was still in cowered in the corner. He looked nervous.

Alexander slowly came to his feet. “We have to get moving. We can't stay here.”

“We have time," Kristiel said, looking down in the face of their son. “Don't you want to hold your son?”

“Of course, I do,” Alexander said. Stepping forward with a huge smile on his face. “I don't want to break him.”

As they basked in the joy of their son’s arrival, a sudden noise outside shattered the tranquility of the moment. The unmistakable sound of footsteps crunching on leaves drew closer to the abandoned house, sending a jolt of fear through Alexander and Kristiel.

Without exchanging a word, they knew what they had to do. With practiced efficiency, Alexander cautiously moved to the window and peered outside. Through the overgrown branches, he spotted a group of dark figures making their way towards the house. The Reapers had found them.

"We have to go now," Alexander whispered urgently, his heart pounding in his chest. Kristiel nodded, her gaze never leaving their newborn son cradled in her arms. With swift movements, they gathered what little belongings they had and prepared to flee into the night.

As they made their way to the back door, a sudden crash echoed through the room as the front door burst open, revealing the hooded figures of the Reapers. Without hesitation, Alexander grabbed Kristiel's hand and led her out into the darkness, their baby boy held close to her chest.

They ran through the dense forest, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they dodged trees and bushes in their path. The Reapers were relentless in their pursuit, their unearthly speed gaining on the desperate family.

Alexander came to a halt and abruptly pivoted towards Kristiel. “You and the baby go,” he urged, determination flashing in his eyes. "I'll hold them off.”

Kristiel's eyes widened in fear and determination as she clutched their newborn son tighter against her chest. She could see the resolve in Alexander's eyes, a silent promise to protect them at all costs. "No, we stay together," she insisted, her voice firm despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

But Alexander shook his head, a grim expression on his face. “I won't let them harm you or Joshuel. Go, I'll buy you time.” Without waiting for her response, he turned and faced the approaching Reapers. He quickly searched for a sturdy object to use as a weapon in defense.

With tears streaming down her face, Kristiel pressed a kiss to Alexander's cheek before whispering a fervent prayer for his safety. Then, with a final look of love and gratitude, she turned and ran into the depths of the forest, the echoes of her footsteps mingling with the sounds of the ongoing struggle behind her.

As Alexander sprinted in the opposite direction, a fiery hand of red ash suddenly emerged from the ground and snatched hold of his thin, slender legs. He crumpled to the ground, wailing in agony. In an instant, a gaping hole appeared beneath him and he was forcefully pulled halfway inside. Despite his desperate attempts to resist, the Reapers were too strong for him. Soon, Alexander was buried up to his neck in dirt, desperately clawing and scratching at the suffocating mound. But it was a futile effort; he was completely overpowered by the Reaper's grasp.

Suddenly, silence enveloped everything. It was an unsettling kind of quiet, reminiscent of the stillness before a storm. He glanced around, trying to make sense of it all. Then, he looked up at the sky and saw a dark cloud gathering over the forest. Thunder rumbled in the distance and bolts of lightning lit up the sky. A powerful gust of cold wind followed, bringing with it a thick fog that made it impossible to see just inches in front of him. Alexander struggled even more, his only thought hoping his wife and son were safe.

Alexander was frightened. He knew that he would not escape but no matter the outcome, their son, Joshuel must live. He and Kristiel were prepared for what may happened. His only regret is that he would not live to see his son grow up. But his life destiny was set in motion. It was the only thing that mattered.

He lifted his gaze towards the sky and began to pray. “Dear Lord, you have blessed me with this family for a reason. I have fulfilled all of your requests. My son, Joshuel, is extraordinary and has a purpose in life.” His thoughts were scattered as he continued, “Please keep him safe under your protective care.”

As Alexander finished reciting the prayer, the wind suddenly died down and the fog dispersed. The ground next to him cracked open, revealing a towering twenty-foot-tall demon figure made of ash known as Antioch. Its piercing red eyes glowed from beneath a black cloak as it emerged from the hole, one leg at a time. In its hand was a massive sword, dwarfing Alexander in comparison. It regarded him with disdain, as if he were nothing more than a blade of grass.

Alexander cast a pleading look towards the sky. "Please, God, intervene.”

The demon’s gaze fixated on him, his words dripping with malice. “What can he possibly do? I am Antioch. I will end your life, Kristiel, and then your son's.” With a swift motion, he swung his sword and removed Alexander's head from his body in one clean strike. The severed head was tossed into the depths of the well.
Note: The story above is a work of fiction created for inspirational purposes. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events is purely coincidental.

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