Bible Verse Of The Day

July 6, 2024

Bible Jumper: Mount Nebo| Part 3 (Flash Fiction)


Obadiah: Created By Bing AI

Joshua supported Obadiah as they left the tent under cover of darkness.  As Obadiah gazed upward, the twinkling stars painted the sky in shades of midnight blue. With each step, the guiding star seemed to grow brighter and more determined, leading him toward his destination.

 They climbed for an hour until reaching a plateau. Obadiah directed Joshua and Caleb to wait while he ascended further alone.

"Are you sure you're well enough to climb alone, Obadiah?" Joshua asked with concern. "The path is steep. Caleb and I can accompany you further."

Obadiah placed a reassuring hand on Joshua's shoulder. "No, Joshua. I will manage. Wait here for my return. It won't take long."

He continued his ascent until the Archangel Michael appeared from the bright light.
"Michael," Obadiah began urgently. "Where is the child? Is he safe?"

"There's no need to ask," Michael assured him. "Joshuel is safe."

Obadiah blinked. He hadn't known his nephew's name; Kristiel hadn't had the chance to tell him. "Why was he taken from me? I don't understand."

"The child was taken to ensure his safety," Michael explained, his voice resonating with a deep sense of purpose. "His destiny is intertwined with the fate of the world, and he must be protected at all costs.”

Obadiah's heart clenched with a mixture of fear and determination. "But I made a promise to my sister, to protect him with my life. How can I fulfill that oath if he is taken away from me?”

Michael placed a comforting hand on Obadiah's shoulder, his touch both grounding and ethereal. "Your bond with Joshuel runs deeper than you know. Trust in the divine plan, Obadiah. The threads of fate are intricate and far-reaching, weaving a tapestry beyond mortal comprehension.”

Obadiah bowed his head, struggling to accept this new reality. "I will do whatever it takes to ensure his safety, even if it means facing unimaginable challenges."

"You carry a heavy burden, but you do not walk this path alone."

A mix of emotions surged through him, a tumult of anger and sorrow over his sister's passing. He knew the risks when Kristiel chose to bear a Jumper, but coming to terms with her absence was a different struggle altogether. They were twins, the only brother and sister Nephilim, jumping hand in hand for thousand of years. The thought of facing life without her by his side was daunting, but finding comfort in his nephew meant that Kristiel's essence continued on. He didn't want to raise Joshuel as a Nephilim; demons, death, and destruction had already taken their toll on his family.

"It's better for the child to remain here," Michael said.

"No. Clip my wings. Give me my sister's child," Obadiah pleaded, his voice raw. “Let me leave."

"The child stays," Michael insisted.

Obadiah implored. "He's all I have left of Kristiel."

After a moment's consideration, Michael spoke again. "As you requested, your wings are clipped. Joshuel will be return to you. For the last time, you may Jump wherever you wish. Choose wisely, Obadiah. Where you go is where you will remain."

Obadiah's heart pounded in his chest as he processed Michael's words. The weight of the decision ahead of him felt like a mountain pressing down on his shoulders. He glanced back at the figures waiting below, knowing that this choice would determine not only his own fate but also that of his nephew.

Looking up at the Archangel Michael, Obadiah steeled himself and made his decision. "I choose to go where the child is destined to be," he said with unwavering determination.

A knowing smile played on Michael's lips as he nodded in approval. "So be it," he declared, and with a wave of his hand, a dazzling light enveloped Obadiah, lifting him off the ground. In an instant, they were gone from Mount Nebo, leaving behind only a faint echo of their presence.

When Obadiah opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in a lush meadow bathed in golden sunlight. Before him stood a magnificent tree with shimmering leaves that whispered in the gentle breeze. The air felt charged with an otherworldly energy, and Obadiah knew in his heart that this was a place of great significance.

As he took in his surroundings, he heard the sound of laughter and playful chatter nearby. Walking towards the source of the joyful commotion, Obadiah saw a group of children playing under the shade of the majestic tree. Their faces lit up with delight as they chased each other around, their laughter echoing through the meadow.

Among them, Obadiah spotted a familiar face - a young boy with eyes that sparkled like sapphires, his dark hair tousled by the wind. It was Joshuel, his nephew, playing without a care in the world.

Obadiah's heart swelled with love and relief at the sight of the child he had sworn to protect. Kneeling down beside Joshuel, he enveloped him in a tight embrace, feeling the warmth of their bond as uncle and nephew. Joshuel looked up at him with a smile that mirrored the pure joy and innocence of childhood.

"Uncle Obadiah, you found me!" Joshuel exclaimed, his voice filled with happiness.

Obadiah brushed a stray lock of hair from Joshuel's forehead, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I promised your mother I would always keep you safe. And I intend to keep that promise, no matter what challenges may come our way.”

Joshuel nodded solemnly, as if understanding the weight of his uncle's words. "I know you will protect me, Uncle Obadiah. You're the bravest Nephilim I know.”

A sense of pride swelled in Obadiah's chest at his nephew's unwavering trust in him. As he stood up, a realization dawned upon him - this meadow was more than just a sanctuary for Joshuel. It was a place where they could start anew, free from the burdens of their past and the shadows of fear that had haunted them for so long. Together, uncle and nephew would forge a new path, guided by love, trust, and the unbreakable bond between them.

As they watched the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, Obadiah knew that their journey was far from over. There would be challenges ahead, dangers to face, and sacrifices to make. But he also knew that as long as they were together, they could overcome anything.

With a renewed sense of purpose burning in his heart, Obadiah took Joshuel's hand in his own, the warmth of their touch grounding him in the present moment. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear - they would face it together, as family.

And as they walked hand in hand into the twilight, a feeling of peace settled over Obadiah's soul. For the first time in a long time, he allowed himself to hope for a better tomorrow.

Note: The story above is a work of fiction created for inspirational purposes. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events is purely coincidental.

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