Bible Verse Of The Day

September 15, 2024

Sanctified Steps: Loving and Meditating on God's Word| Psalm 119:97 (KJV)



"Oh, how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day." Psalm 119:97 (KJV)


Psalm 119:97 expresses a deep and passionate love for God’s law. The psalmist isn’t merely speaking of a passing interest or a sense of obligation; he delights in the Word of God and makes it the center of his daily life. This kind of love for God's Word brings a sense of joy and purpose, guiding every decision and thought.

Meditating on God’s law "all day long" doesn’t mean we withdraw from life’s responsibilities to focus on Scripture every minute. Instead, it speaks of a heart and mind consistently aligned with God’s truth. Throughout our day—whether at work, home, or rest—we can reflect on His Word, allowing it to shape our attitudes, actions, and thoughts.

When we cultivate a love for God’s Word, we begin to see its life-changing power. The more we meditate on His promises and commands, the more we find strength, wisdom, and peace. God’s Word becomes our compass, leading us through trials and triumphs alike.

Take a moment to reflect: Do you love God’s Word the way the psalmist does? Is it something you meditate on throughout your day? This verse invites us to grow in our appreciation of God’s teachings and to let them be the foundation of our lives.


Think about a time when God’s Word brought clarity or peace to a situation in your life. How did meditating on His law transform your perspective or response? Let this be a reminder of the importance of making God’s Word central in your daily routine.


Today, commit to meditating on a specific verse or passage throughout your day. Write it down or store it in your heart, revisiting it in moments of stillness or busyness. Let it influence your thoughts and decisions, allowing God’s truth to be your guide.


Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Word. Help me to grow in love for Your law, and guide my heart and mind to meditate on it throughout my day. Let Your truth shape my life, filling me with wisdom, peace, and direction. Amen.

Discussion Question:
How can you incorporate more meditation on God’s Word into your daily routine?

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