Bible Verse Of The Day

July 20, 2024

Sanctified Steps: God Hears Our Cries Devotional| Psalm 34:17 (KJV)



"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles."


Life often presents us with moments of overwhelming difficulty. During these times, we may feel isolated, burdened by our troubles, and unsure of where to turn. Psalm 34:17 offers us a powerful reminder of God's promise: when the righteous cry out, the Lord hears and delivers them from all their troubles.

This verse reassures us that God is attentive to the cries of His children. When we face trials, we are not alone; God is listening and ready to intervene. Our righteousness is not derived from our own deeds but from our relationship with Him. As believers, we are made righteous through faith in Jesus Christ, and this relationship assures us of God’s attentive ear.

In the midst of our struggles, it's easy to forget that God is near. We might be tempted to rely on our own strength or to seek solutions in worldly ways. However, Psalm 34:17 encourages us to cry out to the Lord. This act of crying out is a demonstration of our dependence on Him, acknowledging that we need His divine intervention.

Reflect on a time when you felt overwhelmed by troubles. How did you respond? Did you try to handle it on your own, or did you turn to God in prayer? When we present our struggles to God, we open ourselves to His deliverance. It may not always come in the way we expect, but His solutions are always perfect and timely.

Daily Wisdom Insight:

Trusting in God's deliverance requires faith and patience. In moments of despair, remember that God’s timing is not our timing, but His plans are always for our good (Jeremiah 29:11). He hears our cries and is faithful to respond. By leaning into this truth, we can find peace even amidst the storm.


Today, take a moment to reflect on any troubles you are facing. Instead of bearing them alone, cry out to the Lord in prayer. Trust that He hears you and is working behind the scenes for your deliverance. Write down your prayers and look back on them to see how God has answered over time. Let this practice strengthen your faith and deepen your trust in His faithfulness.


Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing my cries and for Your promise of deliverance. Help me to remember that I am not alone in my struggles and that You are always near, ready to intervene. Strengthen my faith to trust in Your timing and Your ways. Give me the patience to wait on You and the courage to rely on Your wisdom. Amen.

Discussion Question:

How can you rely more on God during your current troubles and trust in His deliverance?

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